Main Stats
Some basic stats about members, jobs, and candidates are displayed at the top of the dashboard.
Active Members:
Shows the total number of active member organizations on your job board. Clicking 'View More' will redirect you to the Member Engagement dashboard.
Jobs Published:
Shows the total number of jobs published on your job board historically. Clicking 'View More' will redirect you to the Job Information dashboard.
Shows the total number of candidates applied on your job board historically. Clicking 'View More' will redirect you to the Candidate Information dashboard.
Daily Candidates
The bar chart represents the absolute number of candidates applied, broken down by date of application, and shows data of the last thirty (30) days.
Hover over the chart and click the menu to reveal more actions like:
- Sort by: the number of candidates/creation date
- Export data: as CSV, CSV (Excel) or Google Sheets
Member Leaderboards
Leaderboards are used to understand the top companies with the most published jobs and most candidates, historically.
Top 10 Members (Most Candidates):
A bar chart displaying the top 10 members with the most candidates received historically. It reveals the “best brands” that candidates are most likely to apply for.
It can also assist in demonstrating the effectiveness of a sponsored organization's placement (the likelihood of the organization receiving more candidates because they are being highlighted on the homepage) or featured jobs (the likelihood of these jobs attracting more candidates by ranking higher in relevant search results).
Top 10 Members (Most Jobs):
A bar chart displaying the top 10 members with the most published & approved jobs. It reveals the “most engaged” members, that are posting the most relevant jobs to the job board. It can also assist in determining which companies to profile and showcase on marketing activities about the job board.